January Update

After a rocky start (deaths, flat tires, alternate shifts), this month is starting to turn to a positive one for me!

I invested in more dividend stock, and so far they have appreciated in value (well except for today because of Egypt).  I'm starting to focus more and more on my investment portfolio.  I'm learning tons, and I'm having a good time going it.

I'm going to start a weight loss program next month.  I would really like 40 lbs in the next 6 months.  I need to do this so I'm able to be more active.  By losing weight I might be able to avoid horrible ailments such as diabetes, heart diseases and other nasties!

Another great benefit of weight loss would be to get in shape for doing thing this summer with my 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter!

Currently, riots are happening in Egypt, it happened today and it will probably happen tomorrow.  I hope they resolve their problems again soon!

Have a great rest of the month!

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